These mini-booklets are evidence-based. They work!
SMOKE is for smokers who don’t want to quit right now. It has tips for dealing with people who nag you to quit & info about smoking that really matters to young adults in post-secondary school! |
QUIT is for smokers who are thinking of quitting, or are ready to quit. It offers info about quitting, and strategies that help you deal with nicotine withdrawal & cravings, the stress of being a student, and everyday temptations! |
Hey, Something’s Different is for any smoker, whether you are thinking about quitting, or arent ready to quit right now. This book offers info about how to handle withdrawal, control cravings, & provides strategies to help prepare you for the stress of everyday life that can make you start smoking again! |
U Know U Want 2… Help a friend quit. Give this book to a friend or family member to let them know how to best support you. It explains all the things you experience when quitting smoking, and tells your friend how they can help you get through any rough spots. |