- Each of your 3 runs this week should last 20 minutes. The exact distance depends on how fast you run and walk.
- Warm up with a 5-minute brisk walk
- Run at a nice easy pace for 1 minute, then walk for 1 minute. Do this 5 times all together
(run1+walk1 » run1+walk1 » run1+walk1 » run1+walk1 » run1+walk1)
- Cool down with a 5-minute easy walk, followed by stretching
TIP: Do your warm-up walk and your first three run1+walk1s heading away from “home base;” then turn around and do your last two run1+walk1s and your cool-down walk heading back to “home base”. Be sure to fill in your Runner’s Log for each run this week
Things to think about:
Pace Probably the most important thing you can do this week is pace yourself during your runs. During your run, talk to your buddy (or, if you’re running alone, talk or sing out loud from time to be sure you can talk). Space your runs out across the week to give your body time to rest, recover and repair.
Be Safe When running on and near roads, watch the traffic carefully. When running on trails, step carefully on uneven terrain. Always tell someone your route (or leave a note); and bring your phone with you as an added precaution! See Personal Safety for more important tips.
Drink Plenty of Water When you run, your body loses water through breathing and sweating. It’s a myth that cramps are caused by drinking too much water before or during a run. In fact, cramps are often a sign of dehydration. To see if you are drinking enough water, look at your urine. If it is a very pale yellow, you’re good! If it is dark yellow you need to drink more water.
Just for Fun:
Why not sign up for a Running Newsletter? Many websites feature free running newsletters. Runner’s World offers several newsletters, including one especially for Beginners that delivers free tips on training, nutrition and motivation.
Running & Smoking. Research shows running can delay nicotine cravings, and therefore reduce how much you smoke.1,2 More facts about Running & Smoking